Sunday, October 5, 2008


it is already the third day raya.

and i am not that bloated!


but believe me, i have a good feel of those great raya food.

ketupat, kuah kacang, masak lodeh, rendang, lemang, nasi beriyani (it is not exactly raya food, but hell, it is good), all those kueh raya.

raya is definitely the time to eat all that, and not feel guilty for terrorising your body with such heavy food.

what else should we do during raya?

main bunga api, mercun. balik kampung, jumpa saudara-mara. bermaaf-maafan. buat open house. pergi open house. pakai baju raya. pergi kubur.

seronok, as raya is the day that you can see your families after a while of not seeing them. and play around, joke around, be a kid, laugh all you want.

really, raya is the day that you should have the time of your life.

alhamdulillah, this raya has been great.

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