Tuesday, June 1, 2010


sekarang, bukan masanya nak berfikiran rasional. bukan juga masanya untuk bertindak melulu.

now is the perfect time to not do anything.

kita tenangkan hati, tenangkan jiwa. berdoa minta pada tuhan supaya diberikan keamanan. supaya dunia ini semakin harmoni, semakin indah.

kita berehat sekejap dari perkara-perkara merepek, yang membazir, yang melalaikan.

we have got family, each of us. why don't we go back to our family, spent some quality time with our love ones, drinking some tea, eating some delicious home cooked meal, watching stupid comedy together?

instead of going to war?

is it really necessary to have these so-called war for peace, which is so ironic? is it really necessary? perlu ke? benar-benar perlu ke?

jadi, why don't we all go back to our family, spent some quality time with our love ones, drinking some tea, eating some delicious home cooked meal, watching stupid comedy together?

instead of going to war?

seriously, we all need some rest. dunia ni dah penuh dengan perkara-perkara meletihkan. nak gaduh bawak kereta atas jalanraya. nak gaduh nak naik elevator kat klcc. nak gaduh servis pelayan restoran lembap. nak gaduh sebab jiran sebelah ni lain bangsa.

pergilah tidur. mimpi tu akan bawa kita pergi jauh ke taman indah.
walaupun sekejap, but thank god for mimpi.

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