Monday, October 6, 2008

duit raya

a little funny tho.

is it a rule that if you are already working, you should not be given any duit raya?

let us have a glance at this particular scenario.

i am 15. just finishing my pmr, and choose not to further my studies, and work for a restaurant as a waitress.

and i earn somewhere around rm700, which nobody knew as in malaysia, salary is a taboo thing to talk about, unless if you earn more than rm5000, and you are more than willing to tell everybody about it.

should not i be given any duit raya?

*thinking so hard, my forehead hurts*

a little footnote : duit raya - money that you give to people as a reward for fasting for a month. we might give to our child, parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles.

another scenario.

i am 45. not working, as i am too lazy to work. i just stay at home, playing ps3 all day. maybe would go out if my mom asked me to buy something.

should i be given any duit raya?

who are there to tell whom should get the duit raya?

a duit raya police?


whatever. who cares anyway about duit raya? --> being defensive as i got duit raya from four people only.

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