Tuesday, October 7, 2008

sudah kembali berjuang

it is already the 7th day of raya, and everybody is coming back to work/school/college/university.

cepat sebenarnya masa berjalan. rasa seperti membazir duduk rumah tidak berbuat apa-apa.

tomorrow, after a week of holiday, i am back to UM for some back-aching, sweaty armpits, non-stop tutorial.

not that i am complaining. i love doing what i am doing, i feel blessed.

it is just that, initially, there are two tutors who each is responsible for two classes on tuesday and thursday, making it 4 classes in total. but now, because of 'classified' information, i am being put to the test of taking all 8 classes. no complain there in terms of salary. but, really, who has the power and energy to stand, and explain the tutorial to 25-30 students, for four hours straight? really?

and, the other tutor, let us call her/him as R.

not only is R full of crap - asking me to fill in for almost semua kelas dia, with so much excuse, damn you - R telah meninggalkan saya kelas-kelas yang tertinggal kebelakang. i had to pick up the pieces. kalau ikut hati saya, mahu saja saya mengajar dengan cincai, tetapi, saya tahu Allah tidak akan memberkati saya jika itu yang saya lakukan. jadi, being a great citizen and person, saya telah melakukan yang terbaik, walaupun saya tahu itu bukanlah yang terbaik.

esok, mulalah kembali perjuangan saya.

insyallah, segala nya akan berjalan lancar. jika tidak, itu semua dugaan Allah.

to R, i hope you are happy with your life. with so much 'emergencies' that you told me, you obviously need a hug.

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